Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016



Hello my name is yuyun yuliana, I’m from study major soil science ,faculty agricultural, university tanjung pura. Possessed three applications that I prefer the first one I like is google that two telephone, and third line. I like Google because Google is a source of information for me when I am in distress. For example trouble in finding the material lecture. at the moment I do not know or do not understand the course material I can also demand answers google. at the time I junior high school i not know google and my knowledge was still narrow. Once I know google my knowledge became more widespread because of anything that I do not know if I am asked the same google Praise God google can answer all and curiosity I was answered by google. Google really helped my learning process so I like this application. The second that I like from my smart phone that is the phone call because the phone can launch my communication either with family or with my friends. Especially accelerate my communication with my parents. I can hear the sound my parents on the phone although can not meet directly because far. I can ask about circumstances both parents, my brother, and my family the others that were located far from me using telephone. By phone also faster to update because we can talk directly, measures if using sms, Bbm, line, his usual people difficult to reading his faster. Sometimes when passing sms, sms his usually not up to the person that we are headed. Because too often I use the phone to call my family and friends to launch communication, telephone is also my preferred application at my smart phone. The third one I liked that line. Because usually I no there is pulse for a call I can use the line also to call a friend and also chatting about the information around campus. Because usually a college friend that if the sms difficult to reply because my friend Average rarely had a pulse because the pulse is more wasteful than the data packets. In line also I can get a lot of information around the campus and can shering in the group with my friends. That's the reason why I like three apps in the smartphone me.

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016


Subject Verb Agreement”
RULE 1 : hanya subject yang mempengaruhi verb.
                        Example : I have a pen ( alasan memakai  have karena subjectnya  I )
                            He has a pen ( alas an memakai has karna subjectnya he )
RULE 2  : subject yang mempengaruhi  are/ is ( are = jamak , is = tungall )
Example : jul and kiki would like playing badminton, are my friends ( karena subjectnya 2 orang maka menggunakan are .)
RULE 3  : subject yang mempengaruhi  are/ is ( are = jamak , is = tungall )
Example : the student of soil science is smart ( karna studentnya satu orang maka menggunakan is )
RULE 4 : menggunakan there or here  sedangkan kalau menggunakan are,is was ,were itu di  pengaruhi oleh subject
Example : there go my children ( karena anaknya Cuma satu maka pakai go tidak pakai goes )
: here are the papers ( karena papers ada s di ujungnya yang bearti paper nya banyak     jadi menggunakan are.)
RULE 5 : Tetep menggunakan are karena menggunakan kata dan ( and ).
                        Example : the cow and the pig are jumping over the moon.
                        Boleh menggunakan is jika 2 subject tunggal di tujukan pada satu orang.
                        Example : cat and dog are given to lina for in maintained
RULE 6 : dua subject tunggal di tujukan pada satu orang /satu hal
            Example : cat and dog are given to lina for in maintained
RULE 7 : kata yang di awali dari kata every , or no itu tetap menggunakan is
                        Example : no smoking or drinking is allowed.
                                       Every one and woman is required to check in.
RULE 8 : Yang menggunakan neither , or , nor , either , tetap menggunakan is
            Neither = nor
Either = or
Example : susi or tila is to blame for the accident.
RULE 9 : kalau mulainya dari kata some , half ,none , all, maka menggunakan are ( jamak )
                          Example : all of the chickens are gone.
RULE 10 : Karena ada satuan nominal tetap pakai is
                          Example : eight dollars is the price of a movie these days
RULE 11 : bisa are atau is tergantung subject yang dekat dengan verb.
                          Example : the dog or the cats are outside.
RULE 13 : jika menggunakan kata everything, anything, everyone, someone,  somebody, nothing, maka sama dengan it ( tunggal ) .
              Example : everything is gonna be alright.
RULE 14 : jika menggunakan kata few, many, several, both, all, some maka merupakan kalimat jamak .
              Example : few were left alive after the flood.
RULE 15 : Infinitives = sebelum kata kerja di tambah to atau kata kerja di tambah ing.
              Example : to walk and chew gum reguire great skill.
RULE 17: Jika menggunakan kata family, committee, herd , senate , class, crowd, merupakan kalimat tunggal.
              Example : the herd is stampending.
RULE 18 : jika menggunakan kata movie , novels , merupakan kalimat tunggal .
              Example : the burbs is a movie starring tom hanks.

1.      ( B )  Obliterate= melenyapkan           
2.      ( C )   severed = terputus
3.      ( M )  conceive = menciptakan
4.      ( E )   tolerate= sabar menghadapi
5.      ( K )  ingest= mencernakan
6.      ( D )  pacify = menenangkan
7.      ( A )  calibrate = menyesuailkan
8.      ( F )  magnify= memperbesar
9.      ( G )  incentivize = dorongan
10.  ( N )   speculate = memikirkan
11.  ( H )   levitate = mengapung
12.  ( O )  illustrate= menjelaskan
13.  ( J )  elucidate = membentang
14.  ( L )  impede = menghalangi
15.  ( I )  advocate = mendukung 
A.    Adjust = menyesuaikan
B.     Destroyed = menghancurkan
C.     Cut = potongan
D.    Calm = ketenangan
E.     Allow = memperboleh
F.      Enlarge = memperluas
G.    Support = dukungan
H.    Float = mengambang
I.       Motivate = mendorong
J.       Clarify = menjelaskan
K.    Consume = mencernakan
L.     Interfere = mencampuri
M.   Create = menciptakan
N.    Theorize = berteori
O.    Exemplify = member contoh 

1.      ( A )   Methodically = sesuai metode
2.      ( N )   Begrudgingly = menyesalkan
3.      ( D )   Amicably = Secara Damai
4.      ( C )    Fiercely = dengan ganas
5.      ( k )  Unintelligibly = tidak dapat di pahami
6.      ( i )   Sporadcally = sekali – sekali
7.      ( L)   Unequivocally = dengan tegas
8.      ( G )  Zealously = dengan rajin
9.      ( H )  Laboriously = dengan susah payah
10.  ( M ) Earnestly = dengan sungguh – sungguh
11.  ( L )  Indisputably = tidak bisa di sangkal
12.  ( J )  Definitively = dengan pasti
13.  ( B )    Faintly = dengan lemah
14.  ( E )    Discreetly = dengan hati – hati

A.    Systematically = secara sistematis
B.     Weakly = dengan lemah
C.     Severely = dengan sungguh – sungguh
D.    Quietly = kegelisahan
E.     Privately = secara pribadi
F.      Intently = maksud
G.    Eagerly = dengan rajin
H.    Painfully = dengan penuh rasa sakit
I.       Occasionally = ada kalanya
J.       Absolutely = betul
K.    Unclearly = tidak jelas
L.     Indisputably = tidak dapat di masalahkan
M.   Decisively = dengan jelas
N.    Resentfully = rasa menyesal