Senin, 07 November 2016

places frequented


my name is yuyun yuliana , i'm sekadau I have a place I visit often My favorite place regular visit it is waterfall. The waterfall is located in the village meragun districts nanga taman capitals Sekadau. waterfall is very beautiful and attractive, so many visitors who love the place of one of them me. I very like go to the waterfall, along with a friend - a friend of mine. Usually that I do in the place it is play the water, swimming, photos - photos. By conducting activities ridiculous such that usually can make the mind calm when get a problem or could entertain selves. Because visit the place that free does not pay a ticket to enter, Incidentally where the waterfall is also not far from the village where I lived just more or less than one hour on the way so I often visited that place, and I am usually a full day enjoying the view of the waterfall on the spot. because one day at the waterfall, I certainly hungry and there was no open restaurant so I have to bring lunch from home for lunch, I carry supplies such as rice that has been cooked and the chicken is still raw and there I burn together with my friends. and eat together with my friends - as well. In addition to enjoying the scenery is very beautiful waterfalls I also get to meet new friends the same visitors like me but in a different area with me in that place. Things like this is very exciting for me. Usually when meeting new friend sthings  to dois a story - a story to share experiences with each other. at There, I usually find new experiences such as when bathing in the waterfall should not can dreamy because afraid happen of things that are not desirable Things like that of myth or real but I believe and have always tried to comply with the ban - a ban which applies in the waterfall. The reason why I often travel to the waterfall that is could  exclamation-appeal with friends and enjoy scenery very beautiful world and I am aware of divine creation was lovely and always remember to thank God for the life I have

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